Saturday, May 10, 2008

GMAT Quant Trouble :-(

Contrary to the general belief that people from engineering background will find GMAT quantitative section easier, I find Quantitative section tougher than the Verbal section. My accuracy is only ~70% in Quant question sets. The worst part is that I'm stuck at this accuracy level for sometime now. The difficulty level of these questions is very close to the real thing and unless I improve accuracy, I can forget entry to the magic 7XX club :-(. So, I analyzed my mistakes today and tried to bin them in different broad categories such as gap in fundamental concept, careless mistakes, etc. The mistakes are too basic, but time and again I continue repeating similar mistakes. This is good news because it means I have fewer problems to work on and it's bad news because I still haven't learnt from mistakes. Anyways, better late than never.. I hope that this exercise will help me minimize the mistakes.. :-(

Here are the mistake categories -

1. Number properties.
- I have lost count of the number of times when I got trapped in the properties :-(

- Unless stated otherwise, all numbers in GMAT are real numbers.

- If given number is integer, don't forget to consider '0', -ve, and +ve integers.

- In problems involving X^Y, always consider the special case when X, Y is 0, 1, -1

- Try out these different values: -2, -1.5 -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2. Does time permit to try out so many values? Specially if there are more than one variable?

2. Word problems.
- Read the question carefully. While translating it to equations or symbol representation, double check that you have translated the word problem correctly.!!

- After spending 1-2 min, you realize that the calculations do not yield the correct result. You have two options. Either to do the exercise once again, or to guess and move on.

- Even worse, if you did not read the question stem carefully, you will mark one of the wrong answer choices and move on. Worst, you will not even realize your mistake until you see your score :-(

- Bad choice of variables/symbols and you find yourself lost in the equations. Finally, you just guess and move on. Take a deep breath.. think... then proceed. This will probably cost extra 10 sec, but will help a lot.

3. Probability Questions
- Question is to find the probability of event A. Almost certain that you will see probability of (1-A) too in the correct answer choice. You fail to read the question carefully and mark the wrong answer choice and move on.

4. Ratio problems
- Very similar to the last point. The question asks you to find out the ratio of A and (A+B). You find the ration of B and (A+B), mark the wrong answer choice, and move on. Be assured that answer choices will have all the possible ratios :-(

5. Data Sufficiency
- You read the statements in the given order. By the time you are analyzing option B, you will use the information provided in A ( ofcourse you wouldn't notice that) and mark the answer as B.
- There are less questions with A as the correct answer choice ??

- You think C is the correct answer? Think again!! This has troubled me sooooo many times.

6. Inequality Trouble
- You get two values by solving a given inequality and mark the answer. Hmm.. think again.. Inequalities do not necessarily have two different roots. One of them may be not a valid root of the equation.

7. Lacking in fundamental Concepts
- Some questions are just tougher.. need more practice.. time.. energy.. :-(

8. Lost Concentration
- You start loosing focus towards the end of the test. :-(


Aryan-Arjun said...

I totallY agree with Point number 1and point number 5. I always do this..Good you made a list. It really helps not to repeat this mistakes..Even I have lost the hope to be in the 700 club...

Aryan's mom

Arvind Kumar said...

Hi, When are you taking GMAT? How are you trying to avoid these mistakes?

- An MBA Aspirant

Aryan-Arjun said...

The current plan is June last week..Date not booked.

Maths is very difficult, because i make lot of careless mistakes. I simply redo the question again and again so that I get the flow..Based on your writing I feel you are far ahead than me..
Aryan's mom

Aryan-Arjun said...

hi..can you tell me where I can get
Powerscore LSAT logical Reasoning Bible?

Ayan's Mom

An MBA Aspirant said...

I sent you the logical reasoning bible on 30-apr. Please check your mailbox.
- MBA Aspirant

Aryan-Arjun said...

HI Thanks a lot. I didn't check this email ID.
Aryan's mom